Help Stop Harper’s Killer Legacy: Asbestos

Mon, Nov 8, 2010 E-Bulletins

Please make your donation

Dear fellow human rights supporter,

Please help us send a powerful, public message to Prime Minister Harper: Stop exporting asbestos death to the developing world.

Will you make a donation of to support our ad campaign?

We want to publish this message to Harper as a full page ad in the Ottawa Citizen and in other papers. It will be an act of international solidarity, signed by health defenders and activists around the world.

We are at a critical moment. Harper and Charest support the opening of a huge new asbestos mine in Quebec to export thousands of tonnes of  asbestos to the developing world. WE MUST STOP THIS.

Harper is giving your tax dollars and using the Canadian flag to help the asbestos lobby disseminate deadly propaganda in developing countries that asbestos is a wonderful product for them.

Gerry Caplan in the Globe and Mail calls Canada’s export of asbestos a crime against humanity. Help stop this crime being carried out in your name and with your tax money.

Harper never says the word “asbestos”. He gets away with his deadly policy by keeping it hidden. Will you help expose him and make him publicly accountable?

Donate here to support our Stop Deadly Asbestos ad campaign. In addition to publishing the ad, we will target every Conservative MP in their own riding.

Right now, every Conservative MP, except two (Donna Cadman, BC, and Pat Davidson, Ont.) oppose the Canadian Cancer Society and support the asbestos lobby. We are determined to make them change their indefensible position by exposing them and making them accountable in their own ridings.

Human rights activists in the developing world have asked Canadians to show solidarity with them and to stop Canada’s export of deadly asbestos. Thank you for showing solidarity.

With hope and determination,

Kathleen for

P.S. Please make your gift, right away

See the “Harper’s Killer Legacy” newspaper ad.

Read my article published in the Toronto Star.

Read Gerry Caplan’s wonderful article in the Globe and Mail.


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research organization, federally incorporated as a not-for-profit organization

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5 Responses to “Help Stop Harper’s Killer Legacy: Asbestos”

  1. Canada Email Lists Says:

    How can we even be mining such a toxic substance?? It’s like the use of DDT in Asia and Russia! Can you say insane??

  2. Clare Christie Says:

    My friend Alain Anctil died of mesothelioma, probably caused by asbestos. I worked in Cassiar BC for over two years in the early ’80s: there was much concern about asbestosis. The asbestos fibres were thick on the grass in the spring when the snow finally melted.

  3. Shocked in Saskatchewan Says:

    This is unbelieveable !!!! How can any government in any civilized country allow this substance to be mined, and then sold and exported to developing countries where very little or no health and safety regulations exist. Canada is selling these people poison !!! Just because they live in a third world country does that make them any less valuable as a human being. Its time to get off our couches and make a stand against such blatant abuse of third world people??? Harper should be charged with crimes against humanity if he allows this to continue, and actually helps fund the organizations that promote the export of asbestos !!!

  4. Double Standard Says:

    The Government of Canada upholds a deadly double standard and is openly discriminating against people by allowing this unethical export to continue. If people have no faith in their government, it is because of this kind of blatant disregard for others. We know the horrible consequences of exposure to asbestos, and yet the suffering and deaths of so many appears to mean nothing to the Harper government.

  5. Ann-marie Waters Says:

    I am in full support of a ban on asbestos exportation to developing countries. You can help by writing to the Canadian Government. Don’t rely on the MPs’ to be a voice. These unsuspecting asbestos workers rely on us – the public to protect them.

    You can read my letter and write your own here:

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