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Scientists criticize “misleading and untruthful” information
Ottawa – While the world’s attention is focused on Copenhagen for the Climate Change Conference, back at home Sierra Club Canada and the Rideau Institute are calling on Prime Minister Harper to stop funding an organization that promotes denial of climate change. The Chrysotile Institute is a registered lobby group for the asbestos industry, and has taken a page from the tobacco and oil industry playbook by spreading misinformation about the notorious health effects of their product. In addition to the clearly toxic nature of their product, they are now promoting the work of prominent climate change denier Christopher Booker on their web site. To make matters worse, the federal government has given the Chrysotile $20 million in funding.
Mr. Booker calls global warming and the health impacts of chrysotile asbestos (which represents 100% of the global asbestos trade) hoaxes. Booker was rated one of the world’s top ten climate change deniers by well-known journalist George Monbiot.
“Only a few days ago Minister Prentice told the Commons Environment Committee he believes in science-based policy. Yet, his government is paying a lobby group to spread discredited misinformation and promote climate change denial,” said John Bennett, executive director of Sierra Club Canada.
Despite a direct appeal from Canadian scientists to Prime Minister Harper in January this year to stop funding what they termed the Chrysotile Institute’s “misleading and untruthful” information, the government continues to fund the Institute.
Furthermore, according to documents the Institute filed this year with the Lobbyists Registry, Natural Resources Canada appoints a representative to the Institute’s board of directors. The government denies this but neither the government nor the Institute have answered requests for the names of the Institute’s board members.
“We call on you to immediately cut funding to, support of and participation in the Chrysotile Institute,” said Kathleen Ruff, senior human rights advisor to the Rideau Institute. “It is unacceptable to Canadians and people around the world that your government would in any way fund and support climate change denial, helping to delay action on this urgent global issue.”
Le gouvernement doit cesser de commanditer ceux qui dénient le changement du climat
Les scientifiques critiquent « l’information fallacieuse et fausse »
Ottawa: Alors que l’attention mondiale se porte sur la Conférence sur le changement du climat à Copenhague, chez nous, Sierra Club Canada et l’Institut Rideau font appel au premier ministre Harper pour que cesse le financement d’une organisation qui soutient le dénigrement du changement du climat. L’Institut du chrysotile est un lobbyiste enregistré qui défend l’industrie de l’amiante et applique les méthodes des industries du tabac et du pétrole pour répandre des informations fausses pour mieux cacher les effets délétères de ses produits pour la santé. En plus de la nature clairement toxique de ses produits, l’Institut endosse sur son site Web les idées de Christopher Booker, notoire pour son dénigrement du changement du climat. Ceci de la part d’un organisme auquel le gouvernement fédéral a donné plus de $20 millions de support financier.
M. Booker maintient que le changement du climat et les effets de l’amiante sur la santé sont des mystifications. George Monbiot, le journaliste bien connu, tient M. Booker pour l’un des dix dénigreurs du changement de climat les plus influents.
« Il y a seulement quelques jours, le ministre de l’environnement Prentice, communiquait au Comité de l’environnement sa confiance dans les politiques qui sont fondées sur la science. En contradiction avec cette déclaration ministérielle, le gouvernement entretient un groupe de lobbyistes colportant de l’information erronée qui supporte le dénigrement du changement du climat, » dit John Bennett, directeur exécutif, Sierra Club Canada.
En dépit de la demande directement adressée par des experts canadiens au premier ministre Harper en janvier de cette année, pour mettre fin à l’aide financière soutenant l’Institut du chrysotile, en raison des informations qu’ils qualifient de trompeuses et mensongères que cet organisme colporte, le gouvernement continue de financer cet Institut qui déshonore notre pays.
De plus, selon les documents que l’Institut a déposés au Registre des lobbyistes, le ministère des ressources naturelles du Canada, nommerait un représentant au conseil d’administration de l’Institut. Le gouvernement le nie, mais ni le gouvernement ni l’Institut n’ont répondu aux requêtes demandant la communication des noms des membres du conseil d’administration de l’Institut.
Nous vous demandons de mettre fin immédiatement au financement et à la complicité de l’état dans les magouilles de l’Institut du chrysotile » dit Kathleen Ruff, conseillère principale de l’Institut Rideau sur les droits humains. Il est inadmissible pour les Canadiens et le reste du monde que votre gouvernement finance et soutienne, de n’importe quelle façon, le dénigrement du changement du climat, devenant complice ce faisant, des mesures retardant toute action sur ce problème global que le reste de la planète tient pour urgent.
Letter to Stephen Harper, Prime Minister
Monday, December 14, 2009
Prime Minister,
We are writing to congratulate you on your decision to attend the Copenhagen Conference. We hope it symbolizes a realization that environmental science is a significant driver of government policy.
We are sure you are aware of the growing tendency of industry to employ misinformation and distortion of science to avoid public scrutiny and regulation.
Unfortunately the Chrysotile Institute has embraced the same tactics as the tobacco and fossil fuel industries. It rejects the findings of the world’s leading, most respected scientific bodies and instead is promoting the work of Christopher Booker who has no scientific credentials but claims to be authoritative enough to deny climate change and the health effects of asbestos.
Further, the Chrysotile Institute excludes from its website and from its materials the overwhelming scientific consensus that all forms of asbestos are deadly and should be banned.
Your party, in opposition, often criticized the power of special interest groups and the cozy relationship between government and lobby groups. You pledged to clean up this issue once in office.
We endorse the request from scientists from Laval University in Quebec, the University of Ottawa, Simon Fraser University, the University of Alberta and Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto who wrote you on January 23, 2009 asking that you stop funding “the misleading and untruthful information” disseminated by the Chrysotile Institute.
We call on you to immediately cut funding to, support of and participation in the Chrysotile Institute. It is unacceptable to Canadians and people around the world that your government is funding denial of asbestos harm and denial of climate change, thus helping to delay action on this urgent global issue.
We would appreciate your immediate reply.
Kathleen Ruff, Director, Rideau Institute
John Bennett, Executive Director, Sierra Club Canada
Tue, Dec 15, 2009