Workers groups in India call on Canadians to show solidarity and stop peddling asbestos in the global South.

Thu, Nov 4, 2010


In a letter to Canadians, workers groups in India ask for a show of solidarity and for Canada to stop peddling asbestos in the global South.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Canada:

We urgently request your solidarity with workers in India and the Global South. We appeal to you to please ask your government to stop exporting asbestos.

95% of Canada’s asbestos is exported to India and other countries where it is handled by desperately poor workers under dangerous conditions and is creating a public health tragedy of disease and death. Over 100,000 workers are exposed to asbestos daily in India and are falling sick and dying from Canadian Chrysotile asbestos. And it is not just the workers who suffer; their families bear the burden of the disease too by losing their sole bread winner and are left destitute.

Download full appeal here

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